Deck the Halls
Join us at the historic Malek Theatre with local artist John Decker. John has over 1,100 pieces, many of which are perfect for the holiday season may it be greeting card or gift. Come spend an afternoon in the beautiful Malek theatre and get a head start on some of your Christmas shopping! We look forward to seeing you there.

Jen Loeb’s summit
In association with the Jesup Recreation Department, the Steve Brown Art Center is presenting famed climber Jen Loeb as she speaks on her physical preparation for climbing Mount Everest. For more information go to https://www.iowaclimberjen.com

Bruce Bearinger Band
Join us as we listen to The Bruce Bearinger Band perform at Jesup Farmer’s Days. We will have an informational stand next to the band, and will be available for any questions you may have regarding the Steve Brown Art Center. We are proud to sponsor this year’s musical performer at Farmer’s Days and excited to see all of you at the event!

Community Feedback Session
Join us at Jesup City Hall to share ideas and feedback regarding what you’d like Buchanan County’s future in the arts to look like. We want to hear about existing resources and any gaps that may exist. We would also like to hear about any ideas you may have for events, programming, and general services we might be able to help support in the community. We hope to see you there!

Every town has a story, join us to learn about Jesup’s
In association with the Jesup Public Library, the Steve Brown Art Center presents Dale Rueber as he paints a picture of Jesup’s past.
Become A Volunteer
We are always looking for support with events, fundraising, and more. If you are interested in volunteering with SBAC, please contact Jim Gillespie. You may reach him at jgillespiegolf@gmail.com or by telephone, 319-290-0241.